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| \r<embed src="http://archive.ideafarm.com/2019/20190121@1204.20240404@1814.l.to.clerk.scott.harris.bribery.all.as.posted.pdf" width="1600px" height="2100px"/>
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| it might be too late to save the United States of America, but liberty and justice can be restored and developed if people worldwide awaken to the need and their duty
| make as many people aware of this web page as you can
| spread the word
| in the United States of America, that time has come
| a time comes when the charade ends, because the overthrow of democracy, and the subjugation of the electorate, is achieved and irreversible
| but as the corruption spreads throughout the body politic, maintaining the appearance of democracy becomes more difficult and less necessary
| when democracy dies from within, the necrosis is concealed for a time
| \rBribery, racketeering and treason at the Supreme Court of the United States
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